One of the biggest reasons why I chose graphic design is because it is fun. It is fun and allows for a unique way of communication that visually varies by individual. Fun is defined as “what provides amusement or enjoyment” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Now this may seem simple but it's quite intricate.
     Design is challenging and always changing. Being able to adapt and pivot is key to being a great designer. I have learned a lot in this area expanding my skills and techniques to counter challenges and change. Being able to do this is not only important in design but also in life. Life throws the craziest challenges and changes at the most unexpected times. Nothing is predictable, neither of which is in design. There is a thrill that brings enjoyment to me with this as you never know what's going to happen and regardless of how prepared you think you are you never really are. In design, I have learned the importance of having these skills which make better designers and better people.
     Design is all about getting creative and solving problems. Whether it's deciding what typefaces to pair together, a layout issue, or a branding problem, design always requires you to be able to pivot and make changes to work around a problem. Problem-solving and figuring out ways to shift have been a crucial part of my growth as a designer, an individual, and a father. Design helps prepare you for the real world and creates problem-solving skills that are not only essential in design but also in life. I enjoy the “beauty in the struggle”,  as said by J. Cole, as this is what allows for the best designs to come about. It's like they say diamonds are created under pressure. The aspect of which needs creative solutions to problems encountered has allowed me to grow personally and professionally.
     Design allows for a new way of communicating with individuals in a visual form. From infographics, to posters, to typography, to intricate illustrations, all design communicates in many ways to the audience. The neat thing about design is that a piece of design can be interpreted in so many different ways depending on the viewer. An individual's background, social standing, religion, etc all play into how one perceives things. When your designs are shown to many people the reactions and interpretations will vary. This creates a unique and special experience between the individual, the design, and the designer. There is enjoyment not only in the creation of the design but also in the admiration of the design. 
     When I learned about design and what it was I instantly knew I wanted to do that. The more I created designs the more I loved and enjoyed it. I have fun with design and I have learned so much that is applied not only to design but to real life. The ability to pivot, make changes, and solve problems in an effective, creative, and efficient way is not only an important skill to have as a designer but just as important for life. Design is fun; it provides enjoyment to the designer while creating amusement for the viewer. So why do I want to be a designer? The simple answer is because it's fun.
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